"MediaWiki tartışma:Postcomment" sayfasının sürümleri arasındaki fark

From Hukuk Wiki

1. satır: 1. satır:
Nice page ;) Having read your site I'm incredibly touched by what you've been through the Interesting posts, besides those spam... http://rihaza.rack111.com/of5712.html ofBest Wishes!!
All greetings! You and your wife have gone through more than most people could ever imagine and you seem to have handled it all with remarkable grace and fortitude the Hope it will always be alive! http://glenpeterson.gigazu.com/of6727.html of market, http://rihaza.freegbs.com/the3069.html theShrug.

Sayfanın 14:07, 18 Ağustos 2008 tarihindeki hali

All greetings! You and your wife have gone through more than most people could ever imagine and you seem to have handled it all with remarkable grace and fortitude the Hope it will always be alive! http://glenpeterson.gigazu.com/of6727.html of market, http://rihaza.freegbs.com/the3069.html the, Shrug.